My genealogy took a major back seat to other things a few months ago, but now that I've combined my PAF records (I created two almost identical files, then added some new names to one, new information to the other... what a mess), I'm back to work and finding new people and information.
If you use Personal Ancestral File to organize your records, you might be happy to know that if you ever make a boneheaded mistake like the one I made - making two different files, then having to combine them back into one again - the Match/Merge feature works well and will even combine exact matches automatically. I didn't know this until after I'd matched and merged about half my people (roughly 7,000) one at a time, and sometimes with the help of PAF Insight while at my local Family History Center. It pays to know what your computer program does, but what a fun surprise, after all that work, to find that I was off the hook for the rest.